EU Law and Harmonisation of Laws (EDUC) *

  • Composante

    Service des relations internat et des étudiants étrangers

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    Enseignement dixième semestre


Teacher: Melinda Szappanyos


The goal of this subject is to present the law of the European Union and the tasks of legislative harmonisation at the EU and the Hungarian level. By completing the course, students will get an understanding of EU legislation, the relationship between international law and EU law, the legal sources of EU law as well as the development and interpretation of legislation by the European Union Court. The following doctrines will be presented through concrete cases: the immediate effect of “Treaties”; the immediate effect of regulations, decisions; the direct applicability of directives; primacy, priority, the obligation of interpretation and the liability of states. Students will get an insight into the situation of States’ legislative harmonisation after the accession via the Hungarian example.

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Écrit ou oral
Contrôle continu, pas de dérogatoire 

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Pré-requis obligatoires

Niveau de langue B2 de l'activité 

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