Service des relations internat et des étudiants étrangers
Volume horaire
Période de l'année
Enseignement dixième semestre
Teacher: Vinzenz Hoppe
What defines a good fairy tale collection? How and where should you research the material? Are you limited to national sources or should you expand your scope? How are the collected sources translated and edited? These are just a few questions that folk poetry collectors and editors drove around 1800. Using the example of Grimm's children's and house tales, we want to observe and analyze the genesis and conception of a collection of folk poetry in the seminar. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm looked at the fairy tales from a transnational perspective, which aimed at collecting folklore from all of Europe. This becomes clear if you take a closer look at the creation process of the collection, the research and editing work. We will observe and discuss this ,making of’ European folklore in the seminar using edited and unedited sources.
Écrit ou oral
Contrôle continu, pas de dérogatoire
Pré-requis obligatoires
Niveau de langue B2 de l'activité