International Environmental Law & Policy – IEL&P (EDUC) *

  • Composante

    Service des relations internat et des étudiants étrangers

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    Enseignement dixième semestre


Teacher: Daniele Amoroso


The course “International Environmental Law & Policy” pursues a three-fold aim: a) to provide students with basic knowledge as to the functioning of the international and EU legal orders, having regard to their sources of law, their compliance mechanisms, and their incorporation within the Italian legal order; b) to offer a broad introduction to the principles governing international and EU environmental law, by paying particular heed to the foundational principle of sustainable development; c) to show how this legal framework applies to tourist management.

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Écrit ou oral
Contrôle continu, pas de dérogatoire 

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Pré-requis obligatoires

Niveau de langue B2 de l'activité

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