Understanding Regulation, Theory and Practice (EDUC) *

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    Service des relations internat et des étudiants étrangers

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    Enseignement dixième semestre


Teacher: Régis LANNEAU

Contact: activites.educ@liste.parisnanterre.fr 

After the last economic crisis, calls for more “regulation”, especially in financial markets, were  widespread both at the national and the international level. To avoid the occurrence of such crisis or to reduce its magnitude, it is argued that more regulations are required. Regulations are indeed  tools to shape economic systems. As such, they have tremendous impacts on economic growth and  the well-being of population. 
If the content of regulations is to be known when strategies are considered, it is especially crucial  for both lawyers and policy makers to understand the foundations of these regulations. For lawyers,  it helps to develop innovative interpretations and powerful arguments; for policy makers to  understand the consequences and the inherent limits of their actions while also providing tools to  apprehend and criticize existing regulations.  
This course will inquire into the reasons for regulations, the options that are available when a  regulation is considered, their limits and the strategies to deal with them. 
The purpose of this course is to provide students with the necessary tools to develop, question and  criticize regulations. Hence, the computer will be forbidden…

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Écrit ou oral
Contrôle continu, pas de dérogatoire 

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Heures d'enseignement

  • EADEAD24h

Pré-requis obligatoires

Niveau de langue B2 de l'activité 

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