• Niveau d'étude

    BAC +4

  • ECTS

    4,5 crédits

  • Composante

    Langues et cultures étrangères

  • Volume horaire


  • Période de l'année

    Enseignement septième semestre


Syllabus :

1 – Logistics and Supply Chain
- Background, definition, perimeter, operations (inbound and outbound logistics), flows
- From logistics to Supply Chain, the different organisations of the Supply Chain, map of flows and operations
- Internal environment: relations between the organisational structure of the company and the organisation of the Supply Chain, process and system approaches, interrelationships and cross-functionality within the Supply Chain
- External environment: managing operations globally, impact of globalisation issues and stakes on the management of flows, impacts of the OmniChannel era on the Supply Chain

2 – Supply Chain Management
- SCM Concept, definition, perimeter, missions, core processes, SCOR model (Supply Chain Operations Reference model)
- Strategic, tactic and operational components of the Supply Chain Strategy, 
- Supply Chain strategies : distribution, transport, production, inventory, sourcing,
- Information flow and IT tools : needs, sources, role, management, tools
- Value creation and Supply Chain Management key issues, 

- Demand planning: definitions, planning levels, required data, objectives,
- Demand planning tools (plan what with what tool?) Strategic Plan, Strategic Marketing Plan, S&OP (Sales and Operations Planning), Master Production Schedule, from forecasts to products distribution to end customers, DRP, CPFR, VMI

3 – Supply Chain Performance Strategy
- Defining objectives and monitoring metrics: objectives, how? (the Voice of the customer, the SLA, lead times, costs, process performance) SMART method, examples of metrics and performance dashboards
- Restraining forces to Supply Chain optimisation : silo organisation, wastes, poor quality costs, 
- Continuous improvement tools and levers : ABC analysis, OTIF, Customer Satisfaction Survey, supplier performance, the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), 
- Applying a DMAIC approach to suppliers’ performance management (from ‘As Is’ to ‘To be’, gap analysis and action plan)


Teaching methodology :
- Lecture illustrated with articles from professional magazines/web sites
- Short cases to be analysed and presented during course (check knowledge acquisition on a continuous basis) 
- MCQ and vocabulary quiz to validate knowledge acquisition

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Training objectives :

  • Acquire and have command of the basic knowledge required to understand the Supply Chain concept in an international environment; this includes the definition of the Supply Chain, the control and synchronisation of the Supply Chain flows, the demand planning and forecasting. 
  • Understand the issues and stakes of cross-functionality in the Supply chain
  • Understand the strategic issues and stakes of the international and customer-driven Supply Chain (and of logistics) 
  • Understand how the Supply Chain is critical to sustain a global competitive business strategy
  • Acquire the professional vocabulary of the Supply Chain
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  • Class work and participation 40%
  • Individual homework 60%
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Heures d'enseignement

  • TDTD18h


- Pratique du Supply Chain Management en 37 outils – Michel Fender, Franck Baron - Dunod
- Logistique et Supply Chain – Michel Fender et Yves Pimor – Dunod – 6ème édition - 
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management – Creating Value, adding networks – de Christopher Martin
- Operations Management in Supply Chain – Decisions and Cases – Schroeder, Meyer Goldstein, Rungtusanatham - 6th edition - – Recommended –

- Lean Supply Chain and logistics management – Paul Myerson – McGraw Hill

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Ressources pédagogiques

Internet Resources and others Cases
- Short cases (starbucks, Zara, Louis Vuitton, Walmart, Ikea)
- Case for further reading
Internet sites
- Supply chain Dive operations – inscription newsletter gratuite
- http://www.vestedway.com/vested-library/ - case studies and white papers
- http://www.supplychainquarterly.com/whitepapers/ - white papers

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