• Niveau d'étude

    BAC +2

  • ECTS

    3 crédits

  • Composante

    Langues et cultures étrangères

  • Volume horaire


  • Période de l'année

    Enseignement troisième semestre


British Institutions and Political Life

Semester 3 will be dedicated to the study of British institutions and British political life. Themes include: the changing British system of government; British Monarchy; the Houses of Parliament; the Prime Minister and the Cabinet; the law and the judicial process; elections and voting; political parties and ideologies; British politics and the media; devolution; the United Kingdom and the European Union.

Organisation du cours : 12h CM (1h / semaine) + 18h TD (1h30 / semaine).

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The objective of the course is to give students an understanding of how the United Kingdom is governed. Having completed it, students will also be able to apply critical thinking when reading and discussing academic texts or press articles about recent political events in the United Kingdom. Finally, since semester 4 will be devoted to the institutions and political life in the United States, students will eventually be able to compare how democracy works in these two countries.

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- Contrôle continu: évaluation écrite et orale dans le cadre des TD.

- Contrôle dérogatoire : épreuve écrite d'1h30.


SESSION 2 : une épreuve orale.

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Compétences visées

- Compréhension et expression orales et écrites en anglais sur des thématiques en lien avec la politique britannique.

- Synthèse et analyse critique de textes.

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BENTLEY, Roy et al., British Politics in Focus, Ormskirk, Causeway Press Ltd, 2008.

GRIFFITHS, Simon et LEACH, Robert, British Politics, Londres, Palgrave, 2018.

PICKARD, Sarah, Civilisation britannique – British Civilization, édition bilingue, Paris, Pocket, 2022.

WRIGHT, Anthony, British Politics: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020.

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Ressources pédagogiques

Brochure (format papier seulement)

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