3 crédits

  • Composante

    Langues et cultures étrangères

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  • Période de l'année

    Enseignement quatrième semestre


Folie et pauvreté en Grande-Bretagne à l’époque victorienne (c. 1830-1914)
Insanity and poverty in Victorian Britain (c. 1830-1914)

This course aims at examining the institutional and ideological links between poverty and insanity in 19th-century Britain (c. 1830-1914). The various political and social responses to poverty, including the Victorian workhouses, will be examined in the context of the 1834 New Poor Law, as well as the erection of public lunatic asylums. The core aspects of the history of public psychiatric institutions will therefore be dealt with, including the founding of a system based on therapeutic optimism, the implementation of such principles in institutions and their evolution in the long 19th century. The emergence of theories such as degeneracy or eugenics at the turn of the century, which traditionally marks the end of what historians have regarded as "the golden age of Victorian psychiatry", will also be covered. This course will enable students to fully grasp the political, social and moral implications that underpin the handling of the Victorian insane, through the analysis of primary sources and case-studies of emblematic institutions ( Hanwell asylum, the Lancashire asylums).

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  • Maîtriser la chronologie et l’historiographie de l’époque victorienne en l’approchant par des études de cas
  • Développer des capacités critiques et analytiques pour comprendre comment les normes sociales et les cultures se construisent
  • Apprendre et pratiquer la méthodologie de l’étude de documents historiques
  • Améliorer l’expression orale et écrite
  • Lire des textes spécialisés d’un niveau de langue complexe
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  • Formule standard session 1 - Contrôle continu : Note d'écrit (2 partiels de 2h – dissertation ou commentaire de texte en anglais), pondérée par participation à l'oral en TD.

  • Formule dérogatoire session 1 : Ecrit de 2h (Dissertation ou commentaire de texte en anglais)

  • Session 2 : Ecrit de 2h (Dissertation ou commentaire de texte en anglais)

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Pré-requis obligatoires

-Anglais B2/C1

-Français B2

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Marlene A. Arieno, Victorian Lunatics: a Social Epidemiology of Mental Illness in nineteenth-century England (1989)

Matthew Arnold, Culture and Its Enemies (1867)

John Conolly, Treatment of the Insane without Mechanical Restraint (1856)

Laurence Dubois, L'asile de Hanwell: un modèle utopique dans l'histoire de la psychiatrie anglaise?, PSN, 2017

Robert Gardiner Hill, Lunacy: Its past and its Present (1870)

Martin Hewitt (ed.), The Victorian World (Londres: Routledge, 2012)

Patricia Jalland, Death in the Victorian Family (Oxford: OUP, 1996)

John Lubbock, On the Primitive condition of man (first edition 1870)

Roy Porter, Madness: a Brief History (2002)

Alfred Russel Wallace, A Defence of Modern Spiritualism (1874)

Andrew Scull, Museums of Madness: The Social Organization of Insanity in Nineteenth-century England (1979)

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