3 crédits

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    Langues et cultures étrangères

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    Enseignement cinquième semestre


Studying a spoken language implies considering its inherent multidimensionality, and calls for broadening the definition of what counts as its “linguistic” components. Observing a spoken language reveals how multiple units of varying nature and scale - from phonemes to morphemes, words, but also gestures - combine simultaneously to construe meaning in context. It provides evidence for new, multifunctional parts of speech such as modal particles and pragmatic markers. It shows how some elements of meaning that are usually considered paralinguistic, such as gestures, actually do qualify as linguistic components to some extent.

In this course, we will focus on how multiple dimensions interact in the construction of meaning, with a focus on the multimodal combination of speech with gesture. We will study how different linguistic approaches address the multidimensionality of language in terms of theory and analytical methods. These methods will be applied to a variety of English-language audiovisual corpora.

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Ce cours visera à mieux comprendre, analyser et connaître la multidimensionnalité et les spécificités linguistiques de la langue parlée au cours de l’interaction orale. 

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Formule standard session 1 - Contrôle continu : La note finale est moyenne d’un écrit (portant sur des aspects théoriques du cours ; 50% de la note finale) et d’une présentation orale (application des outils étudiés en cours à un document audiovisuel ; 50% de la note finale). 

Formule dérogatoire session 1 : Épreuve orale de 30 minutes (20 minutes de préparation + 10 minutes de passage (analyse multimodale d’un extrait vidéo en langue anglaise + questions de l’examinateur)

Session 2 : Épreuve orale sans temps de préparation 

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Pré-requis obligatoires

Niveau Anglais C1-Français B2

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Chovil, Nicole, 1991. “Discourse-Oriented Facial Displays in Conversation”, Research on Language and Social Interaction 25, 163-194.

Cienki, Alan, and Cornelia Müller (eds.), 2008. Metaphor and Gesture, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Kendon, Adam. 2004. Gesture: Visible Action as Utterance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

McNeill, David, 1992. Hand and Mind, Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.

Müller Cornelia, Silva. H. Ladewig and Jana Bressem. 2013. « Gesture and speech from a linguistic perspective: A new field and its history », in C. Müller, A. Cienki, E. Fricke, S. Ladewig, D. McNeill et S. Teβendorf (éd.) Body – Language – Communication, vol. 2. Berlin and Boston : Walter de Gruyter, pp.55-81.

Streeck, Jürgen, 2009. Gesturecraft: The manu-facture of meaning, Amsterdam and Philadelphia, John Benjamins.

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