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Littérature anglophone : les mauvais genres 

Fantasy & Science Fiction

This module aims to provide students with an overview of two prominent genres in so-called lowbrow literature, namely science fiction and fantasy.

Criticised for not being serious enough, for merely being badly written escapist fiction for children as opposed to mimetic or “real” literature throughout the decades, fantasy (to be differentiated from the fantastic) and especially science fiction have managed to start gaining legitimacy in academia.

In this module, we will study the history of both genres before focusing on various sub-genres and narrative devices through the analysis of short stories and excerpts from novels. In doing so, we will show that, while indeed escapist, both genres more than often bring to the fore and address issues regarding identity, politics, gender inequality, etc., in a unique way, rendered possible by their non-mimetic nature.


Short stories and excerpts from novels will be given in class.

Optional reading :

Butler, Octavia, The Parable of the Sower (1993)

Dick, Philip K., The Man in the High Castle (1962), Do Android Dreams of Electronic Sheep? (1968)

Gaiman, Neil, Coraline (2002), The Graveyard Book (2008)

Kuang, Rebecca F., Babel, or The Necessity of Violence (2022)

Le Guin, Ursula, The Left Hand of Darkness (1969),

Lovecraft, H.P., At The Mountains of Madness (1931)

Moreno-Garcia, Silvia, Mexican Gothic (2020)

Novik, Naomi, Spinning Silver (2018)

Pullman, Philip, His Dark Materials trilogy: Northern Lights (1995), The Subtle Knife (1997), The Amber Spyglass (2000)

Russ, Joanna, “When It Changed” (1972)

Tolkien, J.R.R., The Hobbit (1937)


Secondary Sources :

Besson, Anne. D'Asimov à Tolkien : cycles et séries dans la littérature de genre, CNRS éditions, Paris, 2004.

Besson, Anne. Dictionnaire de la fantasy, Vendémiaire, Paris, 2018.

Besson, Anne. Les Pouvoirs de l'enchantement : usages politiques de la fantasy et de la science-fiction, Vendémiaire, Paris, 2021.

Jenkins, Henry. Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide, New York University Press, New York, 2006.

Langlet, Irène. La Science-fiction. Lecture et poétique d’un genre littéraire, Armand Collin, Paris, 2006.

Lewis, David. “The Paradoxes of Time Travel”, American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 13-2, 1976, pp. 145-152.

Saint-Gelais, Richard. L'Empire du pseudo : modernités de la science-fiction, Nota Bene, Québec, 1999.

Suvin, Darko. “Victorian Science Fiction, 1871-85: The Rise of the Alternative History Sub-Genre”, Science Fiction Studies vol. 10-2, 1983, pp. 148-169.

Wolf, Mark J.P.. The Routledge Companion to Imaginary Worlds, Routledge, NY & London, 2018.

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Connaissance de l’histoire littéraire et de son contexte général ; mise en rapport des textes littéraires et de leur environnement historique et social.

Compréhension de textes littéraires en anglais, pratique de la lecture attentive et informée.

Maîtrise accrue de la réflexion, et de la rédaction en anglais, sur les textes littéraires.

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Session 1 : une épreuve écrite en trois heures (dissertation ou commentaire de texte).


Session 2 : Un devoir écrit de 2h (commentaire de texte ou dissertation).

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Pré-requis obligatoires

Suivant la classification du CECRL (Cadre Européen Commun pour les Langues) :

-niveau d'anglais B2 (minimum), ou C1 de préférence.

-niveau de français B2 (pour les étudiants étrangers).

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