3 crédits

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    Droit et science politique

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  • Période de l'année

    Enseignement septième semestre


Programme: The Common Law of Work (Droit du Travail)


This course examines the law relating to work in a common law system.   The course focuses on UK law but there may be some coverage of US Law or other common law jurisdictions.   The course examines:

  1. The interaction of individual and collective bargaining, the common law and legislation within the UK legal system. The impact of Brexit.  
  2. Employment Status as a gateway to rights: Independent Contractors, Employees and Workers. 
  3. Rights at Work. Pay, Working Time. 
  4. Protection from Detriment
  5. 5. Unlawful treatment under the Equality Act 2010. 
  6. 6. Termination (Wrongful Dismissal, Unfair Dismissal and Automatically Unfair Dismissal under the Employment Rights Act 1996
  7. Collective Labour Law.
  8. The impact of the Human Rights Act 1998.


Readings in the module draw from textbooks, scholarly articles, and judicial decisions; some of the lecture time is dedicated to working through hypothetical legal problems to improve understanding of how the law is applied in a common law system.  

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Acquisition of knowledge on English employment law and developing skills in common law method

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