• Niveau d'étude

    BAC +5

  • ECTS

    3 crédits

  • Composante

    Sciences économiques, gestion, mathématiques et informatique

  • Volume horaire


  • Période de l'année

    Enseignement neuvième semestre


The course addresses the following questions:

  • Why do banks exist?
  • How does the loan market work?
  • Why and how should banks be regulated?
  • Systemic risk in the banking sector: definition, measurement, evolution and regulation
  • The role of market discipline

Topics covered: The role of financial intermediaries, the lender-borrower relationship, credit market rationing, competition in the banking sector, the regulation of banks, regulatory failures and the 2007-2009 financial crisis, macroprudential regulation, market discipline.



Lecture 1       Introduction

Lecture 2       Banks as liquidity providers

Lecture 3       Banks as delegated monitors

Lecture 4       Design of a Loan Contract

Lecture 5       Credit Rationing

Lecture 6       Bank Competition

Lecture 7       Relationship Banking

Lecture 8       The regulation of banks: why and how?

Lecture 9       Regulatory failures and the Global Crisis

Lecture 10     Systemic risk and contagion

Lecture 11     The regulation of systemic risk

Lecture 12     Market Discipline


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We will develop simple theoretical models with information asymmetry and review the recent empirical literature on bank stability and regulation. The objective of this class is to get a better understanding of the role of banks in the economy, highlight the sources of fragility of the banking sector and discuss regulatory responses.

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30% written mid-term -average grade of 3 out of 6 home-works

70% final written exam

  • Closed book
  • No electronic device
  • One hour

Prise en compte de la situation sanitaire :
Si, pour tenir compte de la situation sanitaire, des restrictions ou des contraintes sont imposées à l'Université Paris Nanterre ou à l'UFR SEGMI, tout ou partie des épreuves, contrôles de connaissances et examens terminaux de la session 1 et de la session 2, ainsi que des sessions de rattrapages, pourront se dérouler en mode distancié.

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Pré-requis obligatoires

Intermediate microeconomics

Intermediate econometrics

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Contrôle des connaissances

written exam

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Compétences visées

At the end of the course, you should be able to understand the functioning of these models and be able to analyze and interpret banking data.

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Freixas, X. and J.C. Rochet. “Microeconomics of Banking", MIT Press, second edition


Degryse, H., M. Kim and S. Ongena. “Microeconometrics of Banking", Oxford University Press


Various scientific papers

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