3 crédits

  • Composante

    Droit et science politique

  • Volume horaire


  • Période de l'année

    Enseignement septième semestre


Gender studies have proved their importance in a variety of academic disciplines: political science, sociology, history but also biology or archeology are replete with renewed analytic paradigms fostered by the application of a gender lens. Legal studies are also very fruitfully tackled through the concepts, methods and research questions that gender studies have elaborated. This general course on Gender and Law seeks to provide students with both basic notions on the core concepts (what is gender?) and methods (critical legal thinking, empirical data and legal reasoning, unintentional/implicit consequences of legal rules...) of gendered analyses, and more in-depth investigations into particular topics and examples of legal rules and domains that can thus be apprehended.

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Heures d'enseignement

  • Gender and LawCM24h